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PSV Baseball and Softball Association has about 150 playing members. The association was founded on April 1, 1941.
The association has 2 senior baseball teams, 2 junior, 2 aspirant teams and a pupils team.
The PSV accommodation is located at Sportpark de Heihoef in the south of Eindhoven. The association has a main field for the senior and junior leagues and a secondary field for the aspirants, pupils, and softball leagues.

The Philips Baseball and Softball Association PSV was officially founded on April 1, 1941. But long before that, the game of baseball was played in Eindhoven. In the beginning, baseball was played in the parking lot of the sports park on Aalsterweg. In 1943 the young club was allowed to play on a side field of PSV football. After 14 years (1957), PSV Baseball was driven from the fields and it led a kind of nomadic existence until 1959. When the current accommodation at the Heihoef was moved into. The great man in Brabant, Jan Sibille, knew with the new union chairman Wout Posthuma, Philips leader Ir. Otten to warm up to the first permanent baseball field (1959) in our country. A year later, this baseball patron made another contribution with ten grand, so that the first American coach could be recruited: Ron Fraser. His successor Bill Arce organized the first educational youth camp in 1963, which was again in Eindhoven

Various players from PSV have been (or are part of) the Dutch (youth) team. A number of players have even signed professional contracts with professional clubs in America. And with Rick van den Hurk we even have players who have made it to the highest level in the USA! A number of them are still associated with the club. And there are still big names within the Dutch baseball world.


PSV baseball is a club that is growing in membership. But PSV baseball wants to continue to grow exponentially in members. We want to make Eindhoven THE baseball city of yesteryear again.

That is why PSV is looking for baseball members, volunteers, auxiliary staff and other support for the club.

PSV is looking for;

  • Equipment man / woman (responsible for purchasing / maintaining equipment, among other things).

  • Field management (including determining whether the field is playable in bad weather). Baseball experience / insight is necessary here.

  • (Auxiliary) trainers / coaches. You can mean a lot even without baseball experience. At the moment we are mainly looking for youth trainers / coaches. So an ass. coach / ass. trainer for 2 junior teams (baseball experience not necessary). Head coach / head coach for the aspirants and pupils (with baseball experience).

  • New members of all ages (especially players up to 12 years old are very welcome).

  • Board position (in consultation we look at what you are good at and which role suits you in the board).

  • Team managers and team supporters.

  • Handymen / women (help with all common landscaping and building maintenance jobs).

  • Help for the canteen (also help with cleaning, where reimbursement is negotiable).

  • Sponsor / grant expert. Can you sponsor and look for / arrange subsidies for PSV? Then you are invaluable to our club.

  • Activities committee. We are looking for people who can organize large and small activities that will further put PSV baseball on the map.

Donations and sponsors are of course always badly needed.





Chairman: Sander Driessen
Secretary: Vanessa van Doormalen ( )
Treasurer: Marjon de Beer ( )

General board member: Mighiel Engel and Sylvia de Wit


Referees ( )

Sylvia de Wit



Activities Committee ( )


Sheikh Sherino
Vanessa van Doormalen
Devlin van Doormalen
Jeroen Ploegmakers
Saskia Riemens


Material and Clothing Committee (


Sylvia de Wit


Sponsor Committee ( )




Field consul (field inspection)




Competition secretariat


Sylvia de Wit ( )


For immediate cancellations of matches (bad weather, too few players) please contact Sylvia: 06-10841602



Be proud of the club colors and kit. We have a successful history and thus keep the honor of PSV Honkbal high.



Always stay positive and show team spirit. Winning together is fun, you lose together with your team.



Respect your coach, trainer, opponent and the referee. Do not comment on the guidance and / or referees.

Always try to set a good example and dare to address and remind each other of these rules of conduct.



The material is owned by the association. Treat it as if it were your own. Do not throw material, it does not look good, often provokes negative reactions and sometimes even creates dangerous situations. Moreover, the material lasts longer if everyone is careful with it. After training and home games, the equipment is cleared up together.



Help keep the field clean and tidy up your mess. Also at PSV Baseball is sometimes something. So also pick up litter and throw it in the waste bin; don't get around it.



During a match the PSV Baseball match uniform is worn. Make sure it is clean and intact. The T-shirt and overshirt are worn in the pants. Everyone wears a red belt around the pants. A toque is mandatory for the boys, also during training.



Make sure you are on time for the training. For each training, you must check out with your coach (and / or trainer) well in advance if you unexpectedly cannot come. You harm your team if you do not show up for a training. Concentration during training: during training you as a player are only involved with the training and you follow the instructions of the coach / trainer.



Make sure you are on time for the warm-up and the game. For every match, you must report to your coach well in advance if you are unexpectedly unable to attend. You hurt your team if you don't show up for a match.


You go on and off the field as a team. After home games, there is a joint cleaning up and you leave the field with your team. Nobody leaves (earlier) without the coach's permission.


Concentration during the match: during the match you as a player are alone with the match. Learn from game situations, know when you are hitting, reserves clear the bats, foul balls are retrieved, etc.


You only interact with your teammates during the match, not with others.


The parents should be asked not - unnecessarily - to ask the attention of the players, coaches, scorers and referees during the match.



If you are not at work, you can sit quietly on the couch. Encourage your team members. Only the person allowed to hit is next to the dug-out.


Shortly before the start of the match you will have the opportunity to eat and drink something.

Leave the dug-out tidy afterwards!



PSV Baseball can exist thanks to the efforts of its members and their parents. Therefore, stick to the agreements if you are classified / registered for activities, such as refereeing and acting as a bat boy. The same applies to parents of youth members with regard to arranging transport, etc.



In the canteen, the rules apply as they also apply in the catering industry (art. 20 Drinks and Catering Act).


The changing rooms are left neat and clean, waste deposited in the appropriate waste bin, taps closed, lights off.



PSV is a smoke-free club. Smoking is not allowed anywhere.



The game where "hitting" is allowed. Unlike against a ball, hitting will of course not be tolerated.


At PSV Baseball, strict attention is paid to safety and sporting behavior during training and matches. After all, we play the game because we like baseballs and softballs.


Handling disappointments is part of the game. It makes sense that you sometimes want to express emotions.


Do take each other into account and pay attention to the following:

  • We do not allow swearing and swearing against each other or the opponent.

  • Material is not thrown.

  • We stay off each other.

  • We also do not allow unnecessary hard play.

  • The board of PSV baseball reserves the right to take measures if other / not mentioned here negative behavior is displayed on or around the field.



Failure to observe these rules will result in warnings. In the case of the youth we seek contact with the parents to bring this to their attention and to work on a solution.


You can always hold the management within PSV Baseball to account for the (co) enforcement of these rules of conduct.



Our sport is cool and fun. Always bring your smile and have a nice day!


Sexually transgressive behavior is not tolerated at all times.

This applies to players, parents, coaches, other volunteers and visitors


PSV endorses the code of conduct as drawn up by the KNBSB, click here for more information .

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Sports park "De Heihoef"
Roostenlaan 307c Heihoefpad to riding school
5604 EB Eindhoven

© 2020 PSV-HSC

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